Online Payday Loan Application Form


Data Sharing Disclosure

By continuing with your application and clicking Next, you are authorizing MPD and its affiliated websites to pull consumer data from third party sources. You are giving us permission to obtain consumer credit data from one or more consumer reporting agencies under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). You acknowledge that We can also validate information provided in your consumer reports with third parties to verify your identity and make credit decisions. You further acknowledge that We are allowed to obtain credit data at any point in the relationship with you, as long as a permissible purpose is established under the FCRA. As part of the relationship, we will also report details of the loan to credit reporting agencies.

Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act Notice

To apply for this payday advance, you agree to use documents in an electronic form. "Electronic form" means displayed on a computer instead of printed on a piece of paper (although we encourage you to print and save copies of our documents from your computer), and sent back and forth by computer instead of by mail or private courier. That includes the application form and the payday advance agreement if approved, although we may require at times paper copies of certain documents. You must also agree to accept any notices and disclosures in electronic form, including disclosures required by the Truth In Lending Act and other laws. You may not request paper copies of any of these documents prior to approval of this transaction. Once approved, we will send you electronic or paper copies of the documents used in your payday advance transaction, but only if you request them in an e-mail sent to [email protected]. BY SUBMITTING A PAYDAY ADVANCE APPLICATION YOU AGREE AND CONSENT TO THE USE OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS AS DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE.
You have the right to withdraw your consent to use electronic documents at any time. You may communicate your decision to withdraw consent by e-mail to [email protected]. The notice will be effective when we receive it. However, your notice will not affect the validity or enforceability of any documents provided in electronic form prior to the notice, and will not in any way affect our rights under the payday advance contract to send an electronic instruction to your bank to withdraw funds from your account to settle the account. We will send paper documents to the address listed in your application unless you instruct us otherwise in your request for documents or notice withdrawing consent.

Your consent applies to all documents, notices and disclosures relating to this payday advance transaction, and any subsequent payday advance transactions with us, including this notice and all agreements to extend the due date of a payday advance or to renew a payday advance.

Subject to the provisions herein, any and all communications between and borrower regarding the matters herein, or related hereto, shall be strictly confidential. Neither nor borrower shall disclose to any third party, without the written permission of the other, any information or communication related hereto; except in the case of as may be reasonably necessary for the conduct of's business, or in the case of both parties as may be required by law.

Except where expressly provided otherwise herein, all emails, comments, feedback, information or materials submitted to through or in association with this web site ("Submissions") shall be considered's copyrighted property. By providing such Submissions to, you agree to assign to all worldwide rights, title and interest in the copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the Submissions.
You further agree that if is unable to service and approve your application they may refer your application to a third party who shall consider your application as intent to apply for their services. Any loan issued by a third party shall be serviced entirely by the issuing lender and not by, and shall be subject to the terms set forth by the issuing lender. This service does not constitute an offer or solicitation for short term loans in all states. This service may or may not be available in your particular state. The states this site services may change from time to time without notice. Borrower is responsible for complying with any local statutory obligations that may exist in their state or area with respect to any transactions with
You understand and agree, that is not responsible for affiliate's or third party's handling of the information. These parties each have their own policies for collecting, sharing, and using your information and if you desire to stop receiving communications, offerings, marketing, or any other type of service from affiliates or third parties, you should request removal by contacting the affiliate or third party directly.

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